Sharing the Joy....

Many people ask me if I like being a makeup/hair artist. Normally I answer back with a quick "yes", but truthfully that doesn't really cover the half of it. I don't "like" my job, I LOVE IT! Why?...well if you were in my shoes you would know exactly what I meant.
Even though I'm a makeup/hair artist, I wear a variety of other hats in my life as a mother, daughter, sister, wife, artist, teacher, beauty expert and a business woman. All of these elements add a lot of flavor to the mix, so I just thought to myself "you've logged a lot of hours on this interesting journey of yours, so you might as well share the ride". So I am! That will be the only way for you to understand what I love about my profession and why I love living in the moment....


Kellie and Bryans Formals

Kellie and Bryan's wedding is right around the corner. Last Monday was their day for formal pictures. Kellie looks amazing, her beauty was so easy to enhance and bring out. Kellie said "she loved everything, even the hair extensions". Thanks for making it so easy Kellie....
Photography by Genuine Jackie.

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