Sharing the Joy....

Many people ask me if I like being a makeup/hair artist. Normally I answer back with a quick "yes", but truthfully that doesn't really cover the half of it. I don't "like" my job, I LOVE IT! Why?...well if you were in my shoes you would know exactly what I meant.
Even though I'm a makeup/hair artist, I wear a variety of other hats in my life as a mother, daughter, sister, wife, artist, teacher, beauty expert and a business woman. All of these elements add a lot of flavor to the mix, so I just thought to myself "you've logged a lot of hours on this interesting journey of yours, so you might as well share the ride". So I am! That will be the only way for you to understand what I love about my profession and why I love living in the moment....



What an incredible opportunity to spend a day with Steven Robertson and Janea Johnson learning how to create and make hair pieces. I was so excited for this class and now more so from the education I learned and also from meeting these two amazing professionals whom now I call mentors. Steven made the comment about the talent of professionals that are located right here in Utah and I have to agree! Stay tuned for for my pictures of my models photo shoot with my hair piece from the very talented Jake Garn.
It was truly a wonderful day working with Steven Robertson, Janea Johnson, Jake Garn, Paula J Dahlberg and the others from Steven's team. To see the amazing talent of Steven and Janea visit their websites , I cant wait to get my pictures back....

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